Orange-bellied parrot

What Is It?

The orange-bellied parrot (Neophema chrysogaster) is a small broad-tailed parrot endemic to southern Australia, and one of only two species of parrot that migrate. As of late 2013, there were fewer than 50 in the wild and fewer than 300 individuals in a captive breeding population. The species is at risk of extinction in the wild in the near-term.

What Does It Look Like?

The adult male is distinguished by its bright grass-green upperparts, yellow underparts and orange belly patch. The adult female and juvenile are duller green in colour. All birds have a blue frontal band and blue outer wing feathers. The diet consists of seeds and berries of small coastal grasses and shrubs.

How Does It Behave?

Where to find more information

Orange Bellied Parrot

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Threats to This Bird

Fragmentation and degradation of over-wintering habitat.



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